Friday, September 19, 2008


So I've never really done this whole telling the world what's going on in my life but I figure since I'm much further away now and so many things are changing this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone! So hopefully you'll find these random writings helpful, humorous, thought provoking, or more than likely just vary random blonde moments from my day.

So I was watching on the lovely news this morning about this guy who has written a children's version of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and he said that habit number 1 for children to learn is...."You're in Charge." Keep in mind this book is aimed for little ears starting at age 3...not too sure what I think about this first habit for little ones to come to achieve. What would the world look like if all 3 year olds were thinking...I'm in charge!!!???

At dinner tonight the pre-hubbie and I were talking about some pretty deep stuff like the results of judging people (see his blog thing for further details) and it made me start to wonder if this should be somewhere on the list of highly effective people...maybe before being in charge we should be humble?!? I don't know...I'm sure I'll get back to this another day.

Anyways, I killed my first FL bug tonight in my apartment. Can I just say how much I hate bugs...especially ones that move really fast. I didn't really know what to do since it was definitely too big to step on so I did what every girl does and grabbed the good old hairspray and successfully sprayed it to death! It's currently under a cup in my bathroom...haven't gotten the courage to actually get rid of it yet :-)

On a happy note my diploma came in the mail today!! Masters done...Ph.D potentially in the future. Keyword POTENTIALLY!

Okay I'm off to bed.

P.S. I can see how this blog stuff could become addicting!


Tiffany said...

It's addicting for sure! I'm glad you have a blog! I'll see you in a couple of hours!

Lyndi said...

Welcome to the blog world! You'll like it!

Mom said...

Three year olds don't have to be told they are in charge, they already think they are! How about being a humble leader? I prefer a servant leader to a boss anyday. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, especially the random ones.
Love, Your Momma