Okay so here's the deal. It's no surprise to anyone that I want to open my own cupcake shop....BUT ... here's what I've been thinking. What about selling cupcake sandwiches? :) You know how everyone loves the top of a cupcake, well I'm thinking I just need to design a mold that makes just the tops of cupcakes. I could flip the top half so they are flat on the bottom and the top and call it a cakesammy lol Rachel Ray always calls sandwiches "sammies" so maybe it could work lol Anyway you could choose what flavor of frosting you want in the middle and even on top and even choose two different flavors of cake if you want to for the top and bottom.
My original design of "Cake N a Cup" is designed like a Coldstone where you choose your size and fixings so I'm kind of going off of that idea just with "cakesammies." LOL Choose your size, flavor, and frosting. Also, I've heard from tons of friends that some like a ton of frosting or maybe just a little, this way you can be in charge. You could add fresh strawberries in the middle or maybe some M&Ms! Or maybe you want your initials on the top or a smiley face :) Whatever makes you happy!
I'm still working on the idea but I really want to make it happen so we'll see where it goes! I've googled cupcake sandwiches and the idea is already out there but they aren't being sold yet so I guess I should hurry before someone steals my thunder LOL
Here's a pic of the basic idea..