Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fresh Veggies Anyone?!?

So Tyler decided to take a second internship at another studio in town to keep him busy and learning even more things. The new studio is called Sound Barn and a really nice guy owns it and it's in a small house behind his main house in Nashville. The guy records 100% analog meaning he records on tape instead of through Pro Tools (at least that's what I understand lol) which is a computer software program (I think). Up until the 90's everthing was recorded on tape but now for convenience and efficiency and other reasons most studios record digitally and very few record on tape. A reel of tape is like $400 and only holds like 3 songs so it's also cheaper to not use tape. But tape produces a unique sound so some engineers and artists prefer it over the new way. (Tyler if you're reading this and I got some of this wrong, I apologize. But I think I got most of it right lol) Anyway, Tyler was over there yesterday helping him record and when he left he gave him some fresh veggies from his garden, YUM!! He said the tomatoes are great for homemade salsa so now I'm on the hunt for a salsa recipe :)

1 comment:

Susan Cox said...

Look in your cookbook on the CD I gave y'all and you'll find several salsa recipes. My favorite is by Karon Elder.